Christy's Lovely Life

I love my dear Lord and Saviour and following where He leads. It's been quite a life of adventure - from Canada to the States to Asia and back to North America. We'll see what the next adventure will be! Feel free to leave comments!! Grace and peace to you from our Father above, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts! Love, Christy

Monday, August 14, 2006

Another food picture

The trip from Hsinchu to Chiayi takes about 3 hours. This is considered to be quite a trip!! :) About one hour into our travels we stopped at a rest area for food and the picture above shows what we ate. Good stuff... in the middle is seasoned rice wrapped in an egg (kind of like an omelette) and surrounded by various fried things and salad. Oh, but guess what??? We were served squid (and not the fried kind) with our lunch today! Posted by Picasa


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