My Birthday

Last week the Bei-Huei school decided to celebrate my birthday early with the lovely and delicious cake pictured above. What a special treat!! The picture below is of me holding a piece - don't you wish you could try some? =)

Pictured above are a few wonderful gifts from my family. Thank you so much!! My birthday was doubly special this year because I got to celebrate my dad's birthday (Dec. 31) and my birthday at the same time, thanks to the 15-hour time difference between Taiwan and Colorado!
And, Happy New Year to all of you, my dear friends! May the Lord bless you bountifully as you continue to put His Kingdom first!

Now let me see if I can explain how birthdays work here in Taiwan. When a child is born in Taiwan, they are 1 year old. After their first Chinese New Year, they are 2 years old. With each Chinese New Year after that, their age changes to be one year older. They still celebrate their birthdays, though; their age just doesn't change 'til the New Year. So... I was born on January 1 and would have been considered 1 year old. Chinese New Year was just after that, so then I would have been considered 2 years old. Jumping ahead 26 years makes me 27 years old now, and I will be considered 28 after this Chinese New Year! Hopefully I didn't confuse y'all too much - have fun figuring out your own age!

Pictured above are a few wonderful gifts from my family. Thank you so much!! My birthday was doubly special this year because I got to celebrate my dad's birthday (Dec. 31) and my birthday at the same time, thanks to the 15-hour time difference between Taiwan and Colorado!

And, Happy New Year to all of you, my dear friends! May the Lord bless you bountifully as you continue to put His Kingdom first!
Happy Birthday, Christy! (Again) I was so shocked to see the "27" on the photo of your birthday cake, but then I read what you'd written and it all made sense! LOL Thank goodness, because I didn't know how you'd gotten older than me all of a sudden! I am glad you are having such a wonderful experience in Taiwain, Christmas and birthday included.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wow, that's complicated in Taiwan for birthdays... but I have heard about how they are considered a year old when they are born. I think that's kinda cool, as it counts the time they were in their mother's womb as part of their life.
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