This (above) is a dragon fruit. I really, really like it and just yesterday practiced my Chinese and bought some for the first time from a roadside fruit stand! Yum! I was also able to buy a pineapple all cut up (I love pineapple). And the best part is that the fruit stand is not even two blocks away. :)

And lookee here!!! My dear friend Rachelle (from Canada) came and visited me yesterday, along with her brother Josiah and grandparents!! What an incredible blessing and encouragement they were to me as we shared pretty much non-stop for 7 hours. I so appreciate receiving wise and Godly counsel from her grandparents as I have lots to learn in leading my team, and just hearing what God is doing in their lives. You have no idea how wonderful it is to actually see familiar faces of loved ones after being in an environment of new-new-new for the past 3 months!!
The Lord is good and faithful!! How grateful I am for all of you!
Love, Christy
Wow! You're getting brave--actually using Chinese to buy fruit. By the way, which part of the dragon fruit do you actually eat? I'm glad to hear you had a special time with Rachelle!
Grin... the buying wasn't so difficult - the paying was! I've been practicing my numbers but couldn't seem to understand how much I owed. Oh well. We got it figured out! :) The pink is the peel of the dragon fruit and we eat the white & black inside. So good!!!
The inside of the dragon fruit reminds me of a poppyseed chiffon cake :-)
Christy; that's awesome that Rachelle and her family came to visit you. What a nice surprise! (I wish I could just drop by too, but sorry, won't happen!) I get tired of meeting new people all the time when I'm just hanging out with Darryl and meeting all his friends, so I can imagine what you're going through. Praying for you! Bonnie
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