Christy's Lovely Life

I love my dear Lord and Saviour and following where He leads. It's been quite a life of adventure - from Canada to the States to Asia and back to North America. We'll see what the next adventure will be! Feel free to leave comments!! Grace and peace to you from our Father above, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts! Love, Christy

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hello everyone!
Well, looking back at my last post where I was considering getting back to blogging, and looking at the date it is now, I obviously have not been doing well at keeping up on this blog. Oh well. =)

The last couple of months have been full of school, homework, friends new and old and lessons that my Heavenly Father is teaching me.

Joys from the last couple of months include:
- A new sister being added to the family (my brother Joshua's fiancee)! YAY!!!! Happy, happy, happy; God is SO good!
- Getting to know the sisters of the "sister"...
- Catching up with friends and enjoying fellowship together in the Lord.
- I'm really enjoying school!! My teachers at Red Rocks are great and I like my classmates. Yes, the homework keeps piling on, but it's really fun to learn new things and see ways that I can apply it to preparing for the next adventure God might send me on!
- Hearing from friends in Taiwan... I miss you all!!

And now here it is nearing the end of November! How time flies! There has been some real adjusting to do as I am living back at home, but what a wonderful, marvelous place to be! How grateful I am for a family that loves the Lord, works together, laughs together, has fun together, prays together, sings together, and seeks to raise each other up to what God has for them to be!

So with that, I'll close my short Thanksgiving post. (We'll see when I actually post next!!)

Have a good day, dear ones!


Blogger Erika said...

Yay! A post! And what a touching one it is! I am so excited for Josh, yay! Do they know if they'll live here or in Canada? I saw the little video from work of the balloons, hee hee. Maybe on your school break we can get together.....let me know. Happy American Thanksgiving!

8:44 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Yes, the balloons were a ton of fun (from one of the crew who put them there). Welcome back, Christy!

5:52 AM  
Blogger Christy said...

Hey Erika!
Right now its looking like they'll be living in Canada - we'll see, though! I'd love to get together over school break! Dec 13 is my last day of this semester and then I don't start back until mid-January. We're planning on heading up to Canada to visit my grandparents sometime around Christmas - but I'm sure that there'll be time to get together sometime soon! =)

8:18 AM  

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