
Well, it's the end of a busy week! My classes are both challenging and fun. I didn't take any pictures (I kept forgetting) but the children are absolutely cute! Despite the busy-ness of everthing, I really am glad to be here!
This week I only taught my afternoon classes at the Siang-He school (www.shps.cyc.edu.tw) Next week I will teach morning classes at the An-Dung and Bei-Huei schools as well. I teach 21 classes per week, pretty evenly divided over the 1st, 4th, 5th & 6th grades (with a couple 2nd grade classes thrown in there). Also next week my team and I will start Chinese lessons! This will be interesting and beneficial as we start exploring around our community, which, by the way, is beautiful and welcoming.
As much as I enjoy it (when I am organized) classroom teaching doesn't come naturally to me, so I appreciate any prayers that you send up for me! My first grade class is mostly very well-behaved, but then you get these little boys that are just little boys with lots of energy! :) Not anything bad about it, just makes it interesting for me to manage when I don't speak much Chinese and they don't speak English! So pray for creativity in dealing with my little class of seven-year-olds!
Things that I am grateful for today...
...God's mercies that are new every morning
...a team of sweet, funny, and energetic young ladies
...getting a big "bear" hug from one of the afore-mentioned energetic little boys when he saw me coming
...my chin is healing nicely (I get my stitches out tomorrow). Aren't you glad that God made our bodies to heal?
...being able to chat online with my family
I'm glad to hear it's going well so far! I'm glad you're not bored. Now maybe you can start learning how to ride a bike...:)
Hi April!
Can't think of a witty reply to above comment right now... hmmm...
Love you!
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