Beginning of Dec. - Taipei
We started off December with a wonderful retreat in Taipei for all of the King Car (our Taiwanese sponsoring organization) teachers. It was incredibly encouraging to meet up with all the teachers and reconnect with those that I worked with during the summer English camps. We enjoyed times of worship and Bible study together as well as shopping and eating at Chili's (yes, there's one in Taipei - I also saw a Macaroni Grill there and wished I could have eaten there too because that's probably my favorite restaurant back home). I was especially grateful to meet the Chen family who head up the IBLP Taiwan office. Their oldest daughter, Karen, took me out to Starbucks where she shared some much-needed words of wisdom as we savoured mochas.
Here is a picture from the Taipei 101 building. Taipei 101 is the tallest building in the world and also has the fastest elevator in the world. I travelled up to the top with friends Rachel and Lauren C, along with a couple of Teacher Assistants (Bella & Grace) that we met at the summer camps. Fun, fun.
I didn't get much sleep that weekend, between going out with friends and then being in team leader meetings and meetings with King Car, but I was refreshed in spirit. The weekend really helped me to see that I and my Chiayi team are part of a much bigger group and that we all have a common purpose of bringing Christ's light to the lost of Taiwan. I am reminded that all of God's children around the world are part of His Kingdom and everyone has a vital part in God's plan.
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