English Teaching in 2nd Grade

Oh, English teaching is SOO exciting!! "Bat - yay!! Everyone say BAT! B-B /b/b/b/ bat, bat, bat!!" "Good job!" "Hear the /t/ sound? T-T /t/t/t/!!!" (I get a little bouncy sometimes...)

"Sit" ("zuo xia"). "Uh huh. Okay, everyone... stand up! Good! (Jason, stand up! No, not on your chair. Bill, get off your desk!) Okay, everyone... sit down! Good. S-I-T. S-S /s/s/s/!! Who can say 'sit'? Very good!!"
Wow - looks like those classrooms pack a lot of energy! It must be so fun teaching them - though I imagine you are ready for bed by the end of the day :)
I think I can remember when I learned "cat"... :D
Haha! I got a good laugh out of this post! Looks like you're quite the teacher, Christy.
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