
This is Peter. In Taiwan classrooms, children with special needs are not separated. Peter is a special child in one of my 1st grade classes. He is SO sweet! I LOVE this little boy. He tries so hard to form the letters in his book - when he understands that's what he is to do. He loves to be called upon for anything. The other children are really kind to him, and many of them come alongside to help him. I love the upper right picture of this grid - Apple is showing Peter how to make the traditional Taiwan pose with his fingers (two fingers means "happy" in Taiwan). By the lower right picture I think he's sort of got it!!
It is so neat when older students can assist those who need extra help - this probably benefits the other students even more than Peter. Love you Christy!
Wow! I'm sure this is a good thing, not only for Peter, but for the whole class. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
God Bless,
David M.
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