Christy's Lovely Life

I love my dear Lord and Saviour and following where He leads. It's been quite a life of adventure - from Canada to the States to Asia and back to North America. We'll see what the next adventure will be! Feel free to leave comments!! Grace and peace to you from our Father above, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts! Love, Christy

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Beginning of week two

Hello everyone!!
Here we are at the beginning of week two of the Hsinchu summer camps! (yay!) This week I am teaching the most beginner level class, which is really good training for me since I will be teaching beginner classes throughout the school year. Most of the children are really great to work with this week; some of them are not so fun. You can pray that I will be patient, kind and firm with them.

Yesterday (Saturday) was the day that the children arrived. I got to help with testing their English level for class placement. The first class was in the afternoon, and basically we (my co-teacher Ruthie, and Chinese Assistant Grace) simply went over rules for my classroom and played a couple "getting to know you" games. Among the nine children in my class are three bigger boys. They are only 12 years old, but one of them is bigger than I am and tends to goof off during class, causing the other boys to goof off. I would really appreciate prayer to know how to deal with them.

Today God did really show Himself faithful on my (and Ruthie's) behalf. Because the camp is run on Sundays, we use Sunday morning to teach the children a couple of Sunday School songs and tell them about Jesus. The children were really attentive and understood some simple opposites such as dark & light, good & bad; as well as a simple gospel story. I'm actually not sure how much we are allowed to share in the camp, but my Chinese Assistant translated it all for me. The big boys really love praise and have been good to clean up the table and even mop the floor after the last couple of meals! So the Lord is good to give wisdom and the right words to speak.

Anyway, I must run. For some reason my gmail is not working today - hopefully I can check it tommorow!


Friday, July 28, 2006


Cookie making!

Me and my TA

Me and Jessie, my wonderful Chinese teaching assistant!!

Ice-cream with chopsticks!

Here a couple of pictures showing how to eat ice-cream with chopsticks! I know it's not quite the same as Jell-o, but you can get the idea. :)

Around campus...

A couple pictures from around the campus on which we are holding the summer camps...

Chinese calligraphy!

Learning Chinese calligraphy!

Catamaran picture

Hello, here is a picture of the cool catamaran that my Dad and brothers built while vacationing as a family in B.C. It was so much fun and we managed to hit a whopping 9.1 mph as we sailed across the lake!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hello Everyone!!

I accidentally deleted all the info on my blog, so this is a new one. How, you may ask, could I possibly delete my blog??? Well, all of the buttons were in Chinese, and I accidentally clicked one button and when a popup (in Chinese) popped up, I clicked it and poof!! my blog was gone. Anyway, welcome to this one!
