Christy's Lovely Life

I love my dear Lord and Saviour and following where He leads. It's been quite a life of adventure - from Canada to the States to Asia and back to North America. We'll see what the next adventure will be! Feel free to leave comments!! Grace and peace to you from our Father above, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts! Love, Christy

Friday, August 29, 2008

Bow the Knee

"What a privilege to come into God's presence,
Just to linger with the one who set me free.

As I lift my eyes and see His awesome glory,
I remember who He is and bow the knee.

Bow the knee, bow the knee,
He is king of all the ages, bow the knee!

God alone on His throne,
See Him high and lifted up and bow the knee!

Kneel before Him, all adore Him.
As you live to love Him more, bow the knee.

In His hand He holds the power of creation.
With His voice He spoke and all things came to be.
Yet He hears each simple prayer I bring before Him
When I humbly seek His face and bow the knee.

Bow the knee, bow the knee,
He is king of all the ages, bow the knee!

God alone on His throne,
See Him high and lifted up and bow the knee!

Kneel before Him, all adore Him.
As you live to love Him more, bow the knee."


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Every day we are faced with choices. Most are seemingly small choices: what will I wear? What should I say? How shall I plan this or that part of my day?

We are also faced with what seem to be bigger choices: What would God want me to spend my energies on? How would He have me respond when I see injustice, sin, poverty, or other needs in this world? What do I do with the desires He has placed in my heart? How do I know if those desires are from Him or are just selfish desires? What is His specific plan for my life?

Many people offer their advice and good ideas. There are hundreds of books – good ones – that people have written that share the wisdom they have received from God and telling their stories of following God’s leading in their lives. These are encouraging, but leave me wondering today… What is God’s specific direction for my life?

To find that specific direction I must go to the heart of Him that created me and has made my heart clean through His Son, Jesus. As I spend time in worship and communion with Him, I learn more of His nature and character and can grow in the trust that He knows what is best and will reveal His direction in His perfect time and way. Through His Spirit He will give His direction in all the choices – both small and big – that I will and do face.

I want to lay aside anything that is not His direction for my life. I don’t want anything, as good or wonderful as it may seem, to distract me from the path He is calling me to follow. I want God’s best and I want to live a life that is fully alive and complete in Him!

So today, as we face those inevitable choices, let’s purpose to spend time in worship and fellowship with the One who created us and who loves us with an everlasting love.

“How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand…” Psalm 139:17-18a

Father, fill us with Your Spirit and give us grace to follow Your leading with trusting and joyful hearts. Amen.



Monday, August 04, 2008

Delighting in the Lord

"To delight in You, Lord, that's what I want to do;
To reserve my highest praise just for You.
Cause the things of this world to fade and pass away;
Fill my life with love for You, each and ev'ry day.

My heart belongs to You, Lord - You satisfy my soul.
Delighting in Your will for me fills and makes me whole.
Feasting in Your presence, in Your holiness,
Your glory, all-consuming, I now confess.
You are Lord of all the earth, all things are in your care;
I humbly walk before You, You're everywhere.

My heart belongs to You, Lord - You satisfy my soul.
Delighting in Your will for me fills and makes me whole.
To delight in You, Lord, that's what I want to do;
To reserve my highest praise just for You.
Cause the things of this world to fade and pass away;
Fill my life with love for You, each and ev'ry day.

Fill my life with love for You, each and ev'ry day."
-Wakefield daughters

Where is your heart today? May it be delighting in the Lord, trusting in His perfect will!
